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Inspire. Think.
We Deliver Excellence
GSS ERP Sofware includes all the core functions needed to run any type of business.
Accounts Payable
AP beginning balances entry for system startup
Supplier terms table
Supplier invoice entry
Multiple account distribution
PO invoice matching
Instant payment for manual checks
Recurring supplier invoices
Tax tracking from invoice through payment
Supplier payment processing
Payment register
Void payment
Supplier aging inquiry
Payments due report
Detail, summary, past due aging reports
Accounts Receivable
AR beginning balances entry for system startup
Customer terms table
Multiple bank accounts
Customer payment processing
Credit memos
Tax tracking from invoice through payment
Payment reversal
Customer statements
Customer aging inquiry
Detail, summary, past due aging reports
User setup and password security
Current online user monitoring
Database optimizer utility
System default settings
Multiple bank accounts
Bank deposit slips
Bank account transfer
Bank account reconciliation
Bank charges entry
Interest income entry
Data Import & Export
Import directly from Excel spreadsheets (opening data)
Record integrity validation
Customer import
Item and group item import
Supplier import
General Ledger
Account classes and groups
Account Assignment screen controls all system posting
Journal entry
Budget entry
Journal report
Transaction listing
Trial Balance
Balance sheet
Income statement
User-defined item categories
User-defined varian item
Locations can represent bins, areas, warehouses
Base price with quantity price breaks
Tracking by lot number, serial number, expiration date, revision, attribute
Default issue and receipt location
Stock class
Weight, volume, standard pack and multiple units of measurement
Reorder level, minimum order, lead time
Multiple suppliers and default supplier
Barcode cross-reference
Packing List Process
Stock adjustments
Stock transfer
Stock counts for physical inventories and stock takes
Stock status inquiry
Transactions inquiry
Inventory value report
Transaction history report
Order Entry
Customers and customer types, group, status
Customer terms, contact types, sales regions
Sales reps and commission codes
Base prices, price levels, discount codes, contract pricing options
Sales Order
Stock status inquiry at line item level
Packing List, Delivery Order, Invoicing
Sales order summary and detail reports
Supplier and supplier types
Purchase price table
Default supplier and multiple suppliers
Purchase price history
Goods received note
Supplier invoice entry with PO matching
Delivery history inquiry
Open PO listing report
PO receipts report
Received not invoiced report
Purchases by item report
Purchases by supplier report
Packing List & Delivery Order
Single or multi sales order pick into one packing list
Number of packs, weight and volume calculation
Cancellation order
Retur notes
Bills of Material
Jobs optionally originate from BOM's
BOM defaults screen with setup options
Phantom assemblies
Routing entry for labor, setup, subcontract services
Component effective dates
Component scrap percentage
Unlimited decimal places in usage quantity
Component formula calculates quantity at time of job creation
Multiple outputs for bi-products, co-products, disassembly, remanufacturing
Indented, tree view inquiries
Sales kits with pricing at parent or component level
Cost rollup
Where used inquiry
Multi-level BOM report
Costed BOM report
Job Costing
Work center rates for setup, labor and overhead
Estimated job cost rollup at job creation
Material costed inventory cost or PO cost
Setup and labor hours costed at work center rate or pay rate
Overhead burden applied to labor hours at work center rate
Subcontract services costed at PO receipt cost
Job receipts of finished items costed at actual or estimated cost
Estimated vs. actual cost comparison in job inquiry and job cost report
Job Scheduling
Shop calendar defines workdays and holidays
Job Days Calculator estimates Job Days based on routing cycle times and work center capacity
Manual Job Days setting if calculator not used
Delivery date estimator established required date in order entry
MRP backward schedules jobs from required dates
Manual job creation forward schedules jobs from start date
Overlap scheduling of subassemblies
Work Center Scheduling screen schedules jobs daily by critical ratio
Machine Scheduling
Job Scheduling screen aligns existing jobs with changes to required dates
Daily dispatch report by work center
Master job schedule report
Work center schedule report
Machine schedule report
Subcontract work center schedule report
Labor Tracking
Worker table with pay rates
Labor tracking is independent from payroll
Job Labor costing at work center rate or pay rate
Labor hours entry or backflushing based on estimated cycle times
Real-time job tracking based on item completions by routing sequence
Daily dispatch report by work center
Job status inquiry
Job history inquiry
Worker history inquiry
Worker job hours report
Lot & Serial Control
Items can be tracked by lot number, serial number, expiration date, revision, or attribute
Lot and serial numbers originate with PO and Job Receipts
Lot and serial numbers are selected in order picking and job issues
Transaction history by lot and serial number
MRP item settings include reorder level, minimum order, order multiple, lead days, job days
Job generation directly from sales order lines for make to order items
Job generation from net demand relative to reorder levels
Backward scheduling from required dates
Stock status inquiry displays all supply and demand detail
Batch conversion of planned jobs
Buy-for-job option for purchased to order items
PO generation from net demand relative to reorder levels
Consolidated PO conversion by supplier
Services such as painting, plating, heat-treating and subcontract manufacturing can be outsourced to suppliers
Supplier and cost are specified in BOM and job routing
Subcontract materials are included in BOM and job details unless furnished by supplier
Buy-for-Job screen generates PO's for services or subcontract manufacturing
Subcontract materials are issued from stock to supplier
Subcontract PO's can be delivered to another supplier
Subcontract PO's are received and costed directly to the job
Subcontract scrap processing
Subcontract purchases itemized on job cost reports
Work centers with hourly rates for setup, labor, overhead
Machines within work centers
Job routing can originate from BOM routing and be modified for special requirements
Routing sequences break job into discrete operations
Work center and machine assignment by sequence
Setup hours
Cycle time expressed as time/ process or processes/ hour
Items/ process
Number of persons for teams or multiple jobs worked
Supplier and cost on subcontract sequences